Coolsculpting primarily works on the principles of a theory known as Cryolipolisis, which basically translates into destroying fat cells using freezing temperatures. Cryolipolisis was first noticed in 1970, when young children who seemed to eat a lot of popsicles developed dimples in their cheeks. Later, a study was published detailing how equestrians would experience fat loss in their inner thighs while horse-riding in the winters. These studies, over a period of time, led two researchers to develop the theory of ‘selective cryolisis’. They concluded that at low temperatures, subcutaneous fat cells are a lot more sensitive than the surrounding muscles, nerves and other tissue.
As with all procedures, individual results may vary. Thank you.
If you’re bothered by stubborn fat that you can’t get rid of with exercise and diet, you may be a candidate. Although it is ideal for anyone who is within 20 to 30 pounds of their ideal body weight, CoolSculpting may be suitable for anyone out of that range as well. As long as you have stubborn fat that bulges, you may be a candidate. A free consultation with one of our highly qualified medical consultants will help you figure out if this treatment is right for you.
Individuals with cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria may not be suitable candidates.