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Vaginal Tightening Treatment Toronto

If you’re searching for vaginal tightening treatment in Toronto, Canada, your search ends here as we’ll dive deep into how you can tighten your vagina for a pleasurable sexual experience.

Most women have issues in their relationships because their partners aren’t enjoying sexual intercourse due to a lack of sensitivity.

Although, you may not be directly responsible for the lack of sensitivity. However, you can do something about it.

With that said, in this article, we’ll look at the following;

  • The myth around loose vagina
  • How does the vagina change over time?
  • Reno Medical Clinic vaginal tightening treatment method
  • Benefits of vagina tightening treatment
  • Who’s a good candidate for vagina tightening treatment
  • Etc

Let’s begin

The myth around loose vagina

Slim female legs isolated on gray background

Many people use the term loose vagina to body shame women, which is wrong.

The term loose vagina has been used for ages to shame women who have multiple sex partners or women who are highly sexually active.

However, we’re here to debunk the assertion that there’s nothing like a loose vagina.

On the contrary, the vagina muscles could become weak due to many factors listed below, which is why many women need vaginal tightening treatment.

How does the vagina change over time?

These three significant circumstances can change your vagina’s elasticity, and they are;

  • Age
  • Vagina relaxation syndrome (VRS)
  • Childbirth


As you grow older (40s and above), your vaginal muscles will begin to wear out, and the reason is that you’re in your pre-menopausal phase, where your estrogen levels will start to drop.

Furthermore, a decrease in your estrogen levels means your vaginal tissues have become;

  • Less acidic
  • Less flexible and stretchy
  • Thinner
  • Drier

You’ll notice these changes when you enter the full menopause stage.

Vagina relaxation syndrome (VRS)

The VRS syndrome occurs during post-menopause when the vaginal wall is weak, loses friction, and lessens sexual satisfaction for both partners.


If you have given birth to more than one baby in your lifetime, you’re more likely going to have weak vaginal muscles.

Meanwhile, contrary to popular belief, regular sex won’t stretch your vagina to the point that it weakens the muscles.

It is usual for the vagina to change after vaginal delivery because your vaginal muscles have to stretch so your baby can pass through the birth canal.

However, after childbirth, your vagina will be slightly loose than the way it was before childbirth.

That’s a regular occurrence.

Successively, your vagina should return to its original state after a few days. Although, it may not completely snap back to its usual form.

So what’s the way out?

Renovo medical Clinic vaginal tightening treatment method

Here at Renovo Medical Clinic, we can help you spice up your sexual life and make you attractive and sexually responsive to fulfill your partner’s desires.

Our experienced nurses will leverage Fotona 4D laser Intimalase technology to resurface and rejuvenate your vagina.

How does Intimalase vaginal tightening treatment work?

Intimalase is a modern medical procedure that successfully treats the inner parts of the vagina.

The intimalase treatment method is a 2-step process.

Step one

We’ll treat your vaginal wall with Fotona 4D exclusive circular adapter, full-beam hand-piece. The focus will be on the birth canal.

Step two

Our experienced nurses will use Fotona 4D intimalase Laser to heat the collagen within the vaginal walls to regrow and restructure itself.

Intimalase is a complete laser vaginal treatment method that repairs the vaginal canal and the outer parts of the female genital anatomy.

Furthermore, your vaginal wall will tighten up and thicken to improve atrophy after treatment is complete.

Moreover, the intimalase treatment is a quick outpatient process that is effective, safe and reliable in restructuring your vagina.

Also, the treatment doesn’t require incisions, bleeding, post-operative therapy, and it has no side effects.

The process is so fast that you can come in, have it done and return to what you were doing.

With that said, to get the best laser vaginal treatment in Toronto, Call Renovo Medical Clinic at (416) 252-0404 to improve your sexual life.

Other types of Vaginal treatment options

Surgery (vaginoplasty)

This is one of the risky and invasive methods of fixing Vagina relaxation syndrome. You can leverage surgery to repair badly torn vaginal muscles.

This is a fantastic choice for women who wish to narrow and tighten their vagina, so it returns it to its original state.

However, is vaginal tightening surgery worth the risks involved?

Vagina tightening surgery is an invasive procedure that can take several months to recover from.

The risks involved with vaginal tightening surgery include the following;

  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Skin death (skin necrosis)
  • Loss of sensation

Benefits of Intimalase laser vaginal tightening treatment

You can benefit from vaginal tightening treatment at various stages of your life.

For most women, the time they need vaginal tightening is after childbirth because their vagina is no longer as tight as it used to be.

However, there are many benefits attached to vaginal tightening treatment and they are listed as follows;

  • It can enhance vaginal laxity
  • Decrease vaginal dryness
  • Enhance lubrication
  • Reduce infections like bacterial vaginosis
  • Enhance sexual pleasure

Does vaginal tightening treatment work?

There are various types of vaginal tightening treatment. So, technically, it depends on the type available to you.

Most people use creams, pills, gels, soaps and many other natural remedies to tighten their vagina and sadly, they don’t work.

However, at Reno Medical Clinic, we use the intimalase laser vaginal treatment method to treat women in Toronto, Canada and make them sexually responsive.

The only recommended treatment that is safe compared to surgery is the laser vaginal tightening treatment method.

It is affordable, carries less risk, is non-invasive and takes less time to recover.

Who can sign up for Intimalase vaginal tightening treatment?

If your body has changed due to pregnancy, vaginal childbirth, menopause or age, you’re an ideal candidate for vaginal tightening treatment.

How much does Intimalase laser vaginal tightening treatment cost in Toronto?

The cost of Intimalase laser vaginal tightening treatment differs from person to person.

Therefore, book a free consultation with us to speak with our certified medical practitioners to determine the best cause of action for you.

The Bottom Line

If you have a slightly stretched vagina due to childbirth, menopause and age, take advantage of our Intimalase laser vaginal tightening treatment to fix the problem.

Bring back the missing spark and sensation to your sexuality and salvage your relationship.

For the best laser vaginal tightening treatment in Toronto, Call us at (416) 252-0404 or contact Renovo Medical Clinic for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Take action today.

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